Goals for January 2025


Well, here we are with a brand-new month approaching.  While my resolutions for the year are not as ambitious as they have been in years' past, you'll find my monthly goals are still very much work oriented.  They have to be.  Much as I'd like to have a leisure filled life, the truth is that working is what keeps this house running.

I don't mind work, truly I do not.  I like to have something of a working plan to work from to keep me focused and mindful of what I want to get done.  This month will be fairly easy.  Plenty of work, just doesn't take up as much space as some month's goals might.

1.  Participate in the 21 day fast our church has planned.  Last I heard from John he hadn't yet determined what he'd do, but I have made up my mind.  No need to share it, just saying that it's part and parcel of the month and a goal to participate.

2.  Deep focus on cleaning one area of the house each week of this month.  I plan to start in the kitchen, then I'll focus on the living area and then our bed and bath and finally the guest bed and bath.

3.  Wipe down the porch furniture. The porches aren't really pleasant places to sit in the winter.  They tend to stay damp on foggy, overcast days and are a bit too shady on cold days but we will go outdoors to sit if the furniture isn't dirty.   So I thought for those days that are more pleasant, when we can pull a chair into the sun to sit, I'll just try to keep the porches looking nice.

4.  Bake cookies.    I'll lay odds that John will give up sugar this month, but we'll see.  If he does, I'll make dough for the freezer so it's handy when the month is over.

5.  Make up an order for some necessary clothing items.  

6.  Start the Pantry/Freezer Challenge.

And we'll leave it at just that much for January.  

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Karla said...

My goal for the month is to clean up and declutter and make better use of space in my Spare Oom. Tomorrow and this weekend will be the perfect time to start because I'll be taking down the Christmas stuff.

Donna said...

Sounds like doable goals!

Journal of a Slow Week: Stopping Point