The Long Quiet: Day 19

The Gift of Recognition 

When God created man, he created a companion for him, woman.  Adam was obviously thrilled with that gift.  

Genesis 2:23 "At last!" the man exclaimed.  "This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called 'woman' because she was taken from man."

The two were 'united into one.'  

In the 1950's photographer Edward Steichen, displayed a curation of 503 photos of people from 68 countries. The collection of photos was displayed from January 24, 1955, to May 8, 1955, at the New York Museum of Modern Art, then toured the world for eight years to record-breaking audience numbers. 

The series of photographs dealt with 37 different themes, all of which emphasized the likenesses of each of us while not denying the differences.   Steichen said, "The people in the audience looked at the people in the pictures, and the people in the pictures looked back at them.  They recognized each other."

That's what Adam's "At last!" statement truly means.  "I recognize you..."  

It was more than a helpmeet that God created.  He gave Adam something more.  Their recognition of their likenesses drew them together and through that they grew into companions.  Their companionship grew into a family.  There is nothing like a family to remind us that while we are alike, we aren't. And while we aren't alike, we are.   

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