Things To Do: Third Week of December


I just went back to look at last weeks to do list.  Of the nine jobs I listed, I hit 5.5 of them, which is fine.  What didn't get done can either be made up this week or skipped entirely.  I am currently sitting here yet again admiring my pretty tree...which is apparently leaning hard to the left...

Now it's straight once more.

I've just slipped leftovers into the oven to heat for tonight's supper (Friday).  Now I am ready to think about the week coming up.   What shall I do?  Let's see.

1. Plan meals for the week and weekend.  I have been thinking about food most all day long, no doubt because despite eating well yesterday I was quite hungry last night.  I have reeled off a dozen things I'd like to make for meals in the week ahead.  I'll narrow that down and figure it out.  But if it's on my mind, I might as well put it in my to do list.

2.  Go see a special Christmas program at our church.  We'll see the Saturday afternoon performance.  

3.  Go to the mountain.  I have a solid, "We'll see," as a reply.  So...

4.  Start baking Christmas cookies.  I know I want to make the Stovetop cookies.  I need to buy raspberry jam to make the thumbprints that Katie and Sam love so.  I thought I'd make up a sugar cookie dough to pop in the freezer.  I'll save that for the next week or so, when the kids are out of school. 

5.   Mama visit combined with a quick shop.  ???? I need a couple of items to make three of the cookies I want to make for this year.  Nothing pricey but I figured I might run into Walmart and just look for stockings and a tree topper and grab the three grocery items while I was over in Perry.  I think the trick is to go BEFORE I visit Mama, but it will mean leaving a bit earlier.  

6.  I should also run a bag of donations over to Goodwill and get it out of the house.  It's been waiting to go for nearly three months.

7.  Mop the floors.  We had a bag leak on the floor the other day and while I do spot clean, there's just a point where I want to clean the kitchen floor really well all over and if I'm going to do the kitchen, I might as well do the baths and entries.

8.  Cut some greenery for the house.

9.  Watch two Christmas movies.  I only watched one last week, but I'll try to woo John into one this weekend and then two more in the week ahead.

10.  Just relax and enjoy.  

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