The Long Quiet: Day 16

Throughout time, the world has longed and pined for something.  Some men travel and seek the world.  Some turn inward and seek their soul.  Some seek the fellowship of men and others close themselves away.  Some cry out in their longing, looking to other men to supply an answer, or for riches and fame and wealth, and others choose solitary silence.    All seek, yearning towards the unknown.  

The world after the flood was a vast and empty place.  Men and animals did what God told them to do.  They were fruitful and multiplied.  

They separated and traveled to various lands and created their own customs, their own rituals, and some created their own gods.  Man's nature being what it is, good and evil filled the world.  Many forgot God, the one true God. Some claimed God forgot them.  God did not forget.  He has not forgotten.  

Only man forgets.

Men lived and died.  Their descendants filled the earth.  They fought and lost and won wars.  They were slaves and slaveholders.  They built up and they destroyed.  They created beauty and ugliness.  They sought God or ran away from him.  They were obedient to him, and they ignored him, failing to give him the respect he was due.  

The world went on.  It has gone on.  Always with the opposing sides of good and evil, right and wrong.

But God...

God continued to speak to men.  He spoke and they carried his messages.  Some were called 'father of nations' and some were called 'prophets'.  They heard and they spoke what God himself directed them to say.   

Always the messages were the same, "Repent.  Turn back to me." Many carried that message, and they carried it forward for generations.  A few men paid attention, but most did not.  

God went silent.  This long quiet period lasted four hundred years. 

And then God began to speak once more.

1 comment:

jnkbake said...

And this, this post is why God gave you the gift of writing.... This touched me today. I wanted to shout Amen! at the end. Thank you!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again