To Do List for the Second Week of December


It's supposed to be all about enjoying the season, right?  So far, I made a cranberry upside-down cake, fluffed the tree, wrote out and mailed Christmas cards and brought out the Royal Dansk cookies to have with tea on Friday afternoon.  We had hot chocolate one evening but it wasn't good.  I'll remedy that for future cups.   We've had the lit tree going all week long and it is lovely, especially at night.  I had one of those lovely holiday cookie coffees from Dunkin' the other day. That's how we've enjoyed our month of holiday. And you know what?  It's been fine!  It's been relaxed and easy and no one has been pressured to do things.  It's been absolutely lovely.

My goals this week are going to reflect more of that relaxed attitude.  Not completely without work but definitely focusing hard on what we can do to enjoy this season.

1.  Freezer inventory.  I started on this Friday afternoon and got about half-way through it.  Why a freezer inventory at this time?  I realized the other day that I have broth that I haven't touched in years.  As well things get lost.  I found that packet of chicken thighs I was sure I had but couldn't locate a few weeks ago.  

My goal is to both prepare for a January Pantry/Freezer challenge but also to get organized enough to know what I have.

2.  Decorate the tree.  I brought in my ornaments.  We'll see how the color scheme I have planned on works.  The biggest issue is that all my ornaments are balls of the same size.  There's no variety of shape and sizes, so I'm not sure how it's going to work.  I think I also want something more but what?  These are things I'll work out this coming week.  

3.  Door wreaths and greenery.  I know that I tossed the faux greenery from last year.  It was looking tatty and shedding as though it was the real thing.  I don't know exactly where my wreaths are, or even if I have more than one.  I have contemplated cutting cedar and pine from my yard which I have done in the past.   One of the stores has very reasonable fresh wreaths.  I don't know at the moment what I will do so I'll debate on that.

4.  Watch two holiday films.  I've told John we can rent one a week.  I'm going to have a look at what is available and then we'll talk over which ones we'd like to watch this season.

5.  Gather my Christmas reading.  I have several books that would be lovely companions to this season.  I haven't gathered them yet, since I've been stuck in the midst of all that super cold reading material I'd chosen in November.

6.  Go shopping.  I want to get birdseed, and I've been planning to get pansies and flowering kale.  I also want to get some stocking stuffers (and stockings) for John and me.  I'd like to look at a couple of items I wanted to buy for John's Christmas as well and I can do that this week while he's gone to lunch with his friend.  

7.  Bill and errand week.  Necessary work has to happen in a holiday season as well. 

8.  Make 2 holiday cookie recipes.  I can store them in the freezer once baked.

9.  Grocery shopping?  I would like to go to Sam's Club, but we'll see how that works out.

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1 comment:

Tammy said...

It is December 10 and I still do not have my tree up, nor any decorations out. I was traveling 2 days to Colorado, then 2 days to Iowa in the last week, with a market in between on Saturday. Perhaps the tree will go up this afternoon?
As for hot cocoa, I've been wanting some, so this morning I made the recipe from Good Cheap Eats, and it was perfect. Deep chocolate flavor, but not really sweet. I didn't have any whipped cream for topping, but that would be a perfect compliment to it.
I'm off to the oral surgeon in less than an hour, so I suppose I should get off the computer and brush my teeth. Lol. That tree will be put up this afternoon!
We might get snow tonight, but I don't think much accumulation. It will be our first here, though we drove into some last week just about 30 miles away.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.