Journal of My Week: The Fourth Week of December


Dec. 21, Saturday:  We went to do Homeless Outreach this morning.  It was cold and the building was packed with people.  It was so cold outdoors.  The girl who runs the food part of the program made a hearty brunch with biscuits and sausage gravy, grits and bacon and more.  Everyone was happy to tuck in.

The pastor had invited Santa and his Mrs. to come and have visits with the children.  The children were far more interested in Santa Claus than in food.  

This afternoon when John and I got home, I reheated leftovers for our lunch and then I settled to play with my genealogy notebook and ran into more brick walls than I care to even think about. I felt guilty playing with papers and files because there was so much that I needed to be doing in the kitchen: food gifts I'd not yet completed, a final batch of cookies to be made, clearing up...but I didn't care.  I just wanted the time off, so I took it.    I kept saying, 'I'll tend to it all tomorrow.'  

John put on the Nutcracker Suite movie.  It was rather interesting, not quite following the ballet but not so far away from the original story that we were too thrown off by it.  Of course, each time we hear that ballet, John and I remember the little girls who sat in front of us when we went to the Grand Opera House and we watched as they held the railing on the stairs and stood on the tips of their toes and practiced moves at intermission.  Neither of them was more than 4 years old and no one told them they couldn't dance on toes at their age or that they were doing it wrong.  We all just sat and watched them.  

I remember Granny putting on the same ballet at Christmas time on her tv and I would dance and twirl and stand on tiptoes (but NOT on my toes as those little ones did) convinced that I was as lovely as any ballerina on TV.  No one had yet told me that plump little dark-haired girls didn't become ballerinas or were less favored than lithesome blondes with blue eyes and legs that start at their collar bones.

Granny was forever 'exposing' us to all sorts of music, ballet, and arts.  Had homeschooling been a thing back then she'd have been a whiz of a teacher.  She was a whiz of a teacher.  We were taught so much, not just music.  She taught us horticulture and gave us biology lessons and so much more.  

Meals:  Shirred Egg and Ham, Toast, homemade Raspberry jam.

Reheated burger sliders, chips.

Salads with our own choice of sides. I had shrimp, John ate leftover sliders again.

Dec.22, Sunday:  We got up early enough this morning that I got a lot of housework done before I ever started to get dressed to leave home. 

Service was longer today.  It was a whole family service, so children and parents all came in together.  There was staff appreciation and a sermon along with special music.  It was a lovely service.  We hung around afterwards, giving time for the parking lot to somewhat clear out.  It meant getting to speak to a few others who lingered after as well, so that was nice.  And then as we exited, the pastor and his wife came out laden with gifts they'd been given.  We all walked to our cars together and chatted a little.  

John and I stopped to get something for lunch then headed home with it.  I confess that after we got home and ate, it was almost 3pm and that ambition for the day I'd had on awakening had long since left me.  Sam stopped by to show John something on his truck and then came in and told me how much he'd enjoyed the Russian Tea Cakes.  As he was leaving, he asked "Got any more of them?"  I laughed and told him I needed to pack a couple of gifts before I could pass out more.  "Could you make me some in January, then?"  I guess he really liked those cookies!

I used the last of the pecans to make frosting for my carrot cakes.  That was the messiest time I've ever had spreading frosting.  It rather disgusted me really.  I was sticky all over.  I decided to stop right there and just make supper.

We watched a Christmas program this evening and then a vlog we enjoy only on Sunday nights.  And that was quite a good day as far as I'm concerned.

Meals: Bagels and Croissants

Fried Chicken, Coleslaw

Soup from the freezer.  I mixed a single serve of chicken noodle and a smaller batch of Chicken Enchilada soup.  It hit the spot on a chilly Sunday evening.

Dec. 23, Monday:  I slept very well last night.  So well that I woke at 5:30 am this morning and was thinking of getting up.  John was awake too, and he started rubbing my back, especially my poor sore shoulder.  As I felt the pain ease, I got warm and drowsy and went right back to sleep.  I forced myself out of bed at 9:40!!  My goodness.  The day was half done and I had so much to do...

After breakfast, I got busy picking up the house and then sorted out the checkbook.  Then into the kitchen to begin the many tasks I needed to attend to there.  

I can write this today about what I did because everyone will have their gifts by tomorrow and won't be upset reading what they are getting!   I made a batch of cookies to split between Katie and Sam that is their favorite, supposedly.  Sam made it plain last night that he's very happy with the Magic Cookie Bars and the Russian Tea Cakes, though...I packed up cookies for Katie's family and Mama last night and then set the rest of the Russian Tea Cakes aside for Sam.

I also was making up a batch of cornbread dressing, so he could have his promised pan of dressing.  I made Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole for Cody who has loved that.  He's getting that and a copy of the recipe.  

I wanted to make sausage balls for us to have on Christmas morning.  Mind you we're having sausage balls and lil' smokies and orange Danish at Katie's tomorrow morning.  I really don't know what we'll have here Christmas morning at all.  

I worked all morning long, but I felt such a vast amount of satisfaction as each item was finished.  

John was having a hard morning.  I've no idea why but he was a bit despondent when I got up and later, he was so upset he couldn't play guitar or sing.  It happened when I was heavy in the middle of the kitchen stuff that Sam needed to run to the county seat and so he asked if John would come sit with the kids.  

I finished the work I was doing and then got everything cleaned up and packed for everyone.  I sat down and waited on John to return.  One hour passed, then two....I called Sam and asked if he would come pick up all his food gifts.  John called out, "I'm coming home!"  

Thankfully John was in much better spirits.  I think he needed to get out of the house and away from his own thoughts.  We ate a very simple lunch and will have leftovers for supper. 

And tomorrow we will begin the holiday.  I'm looking forward to it!

Meals:  Toast, cheese and buttered.

Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole (I had a portion that wouldn't fit in my pan for Cody.  I also put two pans of cornbread dressing in the freezer).

Fried Chicken and Coleslaw (leftovers).

Today's movie was "The Bishop's Wife" with Loretta Young, Cary Grant, and David Niven.

Dec. 24, Christmas Eve:  I hate setting an alarm, lol.  I woke at 4am this morning, after sleeping only a few hours because I knew the alarm was going to go off.  Never mind.  I got up at 4am and turned on the tree lights and sat here in the dimly lit room with Christmas carols playing in my earbuds.  I played lovely songs, not the oldest ones and not the newest but the lovely in between years of Christmas music.  I was so moved by it and truly it set the tone for the whole lovely day.

We left here at sunrise to head to Katie's and arrived with two minutes to spare.  The children were in the bedroom behind a closed door being slightly rambunctious but not too terribly loud.  Henry finished his bottle, and we had cups of coffee and then the children were summoned to come to the living room.  They were supposed to eat breakfast, but no one ate much of anything.  They could see all the presents under the tree and the bulging stockings.  I couldn't have eaten if I were four, five or nine!  Henry was unfazed by it all.

The children didn't open a single gift until Cody had passed out every single one.  We were all puzzled, but it was the way they chose to do it and who knows why?  When they were told that all the presents were out, they immediately began to tear off bows and rip paper and examined each item carefully as it was revealed.  And when all that paper was cleared up they tackled the stockings.  I've never seen such orderly unwrapping.  Not folding paper and winding ribbon orderly, but orderly for smaller children.  Henry took a nap.

Then they put on coats and shoes and went outdoors to discover that Santa had left their big present in the yard, and they all laughed joyously as they ran to play on the trampoline.

Really it was a lovely morning with no fussing or tears or drama.  Katie's breakfast was our own traditional Christmas morning meal.  It warmed me through to know she obviously felt this was the best Christmas morning meal.  And yes, we know it was just Christmas Eve, but they try to have a proper Christmas for Taylor and Bella while they are with the family.  Do the kids care that Santa comes a day early?  Not at all!

We left Katie's and went by Mama's.  Mama must have had her intuition working as she'd made a proper meal today.  I'd planned that when we arrived, we'd treat her to dinner but no, she was ready for anyone who might stop by.   She was quite pleased with her box of cookies and her bag of peppermint sticks.

We'd finished our meal and had cleared the table when my brother came by.  It was a pleasant enough visit.  

We came home to have coffee and Carrot Cake and listen to two programs of Christmas music.  Then we sort of took naps and put on "A Christmas Carol", this one with Alistair Sims.  

Meals: Orange Danish, Sausage Balls, Lil' Smokies

Ham, Potato Salad, Butter Beans, Rolls

Corn Moussaka, Salad with Chickpeas, red onion and black olives.

Dec. 26, Thursday:  We had a lovely time visiting the children across the field yesterday.  They all bought gifts for us and it was so fun to see what each had gotten us.  I think that was the most enjoyable gifting we had all be fair it was the only gifting we had all day, lol.  

We had a nice dinner that we ate on our own which was fine.  We watched a few specials and Christmas movies, not nearly enough in my opinion but John apparently owns the remote, and since I can't even operate it when I do pick it up, I don't fuss about it.  I could watch whatever else I wanted to on my computer or phone, just didn't choose to do so.  

Most of the day I nursed a persistent throbbing headache and had a bout or two of anxiety and given I woke to rain today I suspect that was the source.  

Today has been rather relaxed and easy.  Nothing to say about it really.  I've taken on the full holiday attitude of doing as little as I can.  Not to say that my mind isn't ticking off lists of things.  I sat before the stove yesterday waiting to turn pancakes and honestly that stove looks quite dirty on the outside.  I started planning a full-on full week cleaning of the kitchen.  Obviously, I didn't decide to start it today!  

And that's about all there is to say about this day.

Meals:  Yesterday:  Pancakes, Polska Kielbasa

Bbq'd Ribs, Potato Salad, Mac n Cheese, Broccoli, Carrot Cake with a scoop of ice cream. (we ate super late so that was an all-in-one meal).

Today: Toast for John, Sausage balls for me.

Chili and two ribs each.

Beef Fajitas with Papas (potatoes) and flour Tortillas.

Dec. 27, Friday:  Nothing much today for us.  We did our usual Friday house blessing, ran to the bank to make a Christmas deposit, picked up mail and snacks on our way home.  It's overcast and the weather report promises rain for the next 48 hours starting tonight.  I'm glad we still have the tree up and lit.  It dispels the gloomy view from that window at least.  

I'm continuing in my overall holiday week relaxing and no regrets about it at all.  I finished one massive Sudoku puzzle and it's been lovely to have time to sit and concentrate on it without too many interruptions.  

We've eaten quite a few of the ready prepared (and older) entrees I'd saved in the freezer.  No complaints there.  Oddly enough come time to do this pantry freezer challenge next week I suspect I shall begin to refill the entrees basket.  The trouble with the way I cook, most everything is too much for two.  I usually will cut a recipe to about four servings (about half) for the majority of what we like to eat.  I don't mind having leftovers in the freezer.  I just mind never using them once they go in, so that has been focus for 'easy' meals these past two weeks: pull something from the freezer that needs no prep beyond being dropped into a pan to reheat.  

It's been a lovely week overall, filled with family, good old movies with holiday good feels to them.  I've enjoyed the mostly peaceful way these holidays played out this year and am so grateful for it.  That's been the best gift of all!

Happy Holidays, dears.  I hope your Christmas/Channukah is blessed and beautiful.

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Karla said...

I'm so glad you had a good Christmas and it was harmonious for you all. Ours was lovely as well. I had my gifts wrapped a week prior so no issues there. I decided that I would put them all in the car the night before so we wouldn't have to deal with that the next morning. I made overnight pecan rolls and a small batch of regular cinnamon rolls for the daughter that doesn't do nuts. Then about 9:30 am we headed the short drive to our youngest daughter and her husband's house and had brunch. My son-in-law is a fabulous cook and made browned sausage gravy and cream biscuits along with sausage patties and baked bacon. We rounded that out with the rolls I took and some fruit and orange juice. Then we exchanged gifts and that was such a fun time. Our family does gifts differently - we pass them all out and then go youngest to oldest one gift opened at a time and round the circle until they are all done. Our youngest daughter did nearly all gift giving (friends and family) with thrifted gifts. She's a Goodwill leadership board member here in our city and has been an avid and fabulous thrifter since her middle school days (helps having a mommy who raised them going thrifting). It was a lovely time and the gifts from everyone were wonderful and well-thought out for each receiver. We headed back home a little after noon and took a long nap.

It was back to work yesterday and today for both of us. I have purchased sale-priced (online) next year's Christmas cards as well as a new gift wrap organizer because mine is finally giving up the ghost after about 20 years of use.

This weekend I plan to revamp my baking cabinet and I also need to fill some holes under our skirting that some possums have dug (and yes, they did get up under the subfloor and raise my anxiety). Thankfully we caught them so now I'm done with that for awhile I hope. We also need to declutter and reorganize my husband's office and I'm going to try and take down the Christmas decorations from my Spare Oom and put those away. We shall see what actually gets accomplished. LOL

Mable said...

Sounds like you had a lovely holiday, with your various family members. On Christmas Eve, we had our traditional beef Wellington, a real splurge that I budgeted for and we thoroughly enjoyed (plus there were leftovers!). We don't really exchange gifts much, just small items like a special wood juicer that he particularly likes and would never buy for himself, and a brand new (not from Goodwill or the library, so all the pieces will be there) puzzle featuring Victorian scenes for me. We did not leave the house and were very happy not to. We watched The Six Triple Eight on Netflix, the most affecting movie I have watched in a very long time. It is a true story, my favorite always, about a battalion of black female soldiers sent to Europe to do a job no one expected them to be able to do. It really is worth a watch if you get the chance. Happy New Year to you and thanks for continuing to blog!

MamaHen said...

Sounds like a nice peaceful Christmas to me. Ours was nice also.

Tammy said...

We've had a busy week with three holiday celebrations and a wedding reception. The eldest grandson played basketball on Saturday as well. Lots of visiting with my now-adult and almost-adult nieces and nephews, and all of the cousins on one side of my family.
We still will have our holiday celebration with the kids and grandkids on NYD, then we'll be done.

Journal of a Slow Week: Stopping Point