Meal Plan for This Week: Gearing up for Pantry/Freezer Challenge Month

I am out of onions, cabbage and carrots.  This won't do!  I can't begin a pantry/freezer challenge month without those necessities on hand!  I think we're in decent shape otherwise with plenty of all the other things we might need, but those few things are necessary for meals as far as I'm concerned.   I also need to check my supply of olive oil, and diced tomatoes, but I think we're good overall.

It's unlikely I'll do too much shopping this week beyond what I've mentioned.  So technically, let the Pantry and Freezer Challenge begin!  

I'll assign days here this week to various meals, but you all know me...It's bound to be a switch of sides from one meal to another or a meal made on an entirely different day.  My main goal is to be sure I've planned food for every day.

Saturday:  Pizza.  The kids are supposed to be here tonight, and I figured I'd plan our main meal for their time here.  Knowing them as I do, this will be all they require to be happy.  I've a ton of pepperoni, bought in bulk from Sam's club, ditto for Mozzarella.  Dough is easy enough to make.  I generally do one pepperoni for the kids and then one with some sort of additional toppings for John and I.

Sunday:  Roast Chicken, Roasted Potatoes and Carrots, Broccoli and Apple salad.

Monday:  Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (freezer entree), Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans.

Tuesday:  Oven Baked Chicken and Dumplings, Peas, Pear Salad.

Wednesday:  Chinese Takeout.  My treat to me for New Year's Day, assuming the place is open.

Thursday:  Pork Chops, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans.

Friday:  Red Beans and Rice, Coleslaw, Cornbread.  I things go as usual we'll end up with leftover rice from our Chinese dinner that I can use here but if I can't get takeout as planned, I'll just make rice.  I have plenty of it on hand.  I have a bag of red beans in the dried beans bin, and I'll use those.  This month I mean to use the dried beans I've been 'collecting' and saving for heaven knows what.

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Donna said...

You are so right: one cannot be without onions, cabbage and carrots! That is a dish all by itself. Sauté the veg in olive oil, add some diced tomatoes and a bit of broth and you've got soup.

It seems the Chinese restaurants around here are open when other places are closed for holidays. The kids will enjoy your pizza.

The freezers are in pretty good shape and we have been pulling out older items to use. The shelving in the garage is in good order. We have an old 1940's record cabinet that we use to store dry goods and some canned soups. The interior of the cabinet will be reworked to remove the dividers to allow easier storage and I'm sure there are some really old products in there. Some canned soups could be used as a jumping off place to make another dish. While I'm cleaning out, the elusive peppermint essential oil may appear. Don't know where I put it...ha!

Enjoy your New Year celebration!

Casey said...

We’re headed home this evening after a short visit to family. I’ve got my menu planned to use items I know are in the pantry and freezer. I will need to go to the store for some perishables. Plus, we’re having a belated holiday celebration with our close-by family on NY’s day. That will be hearty appetizers. I’m going to buy either chicken wings at Costco or legs, whichever is less expensive to make for NY’s day. I’m going to keep a running tab on what I use from the freezer and I’ll report next week.

Deanna said...

I'm catching up on your posts but just wanted to say I'm also in the process of using up some of my stash of dried beans. You have an Instant Pot, right? I've found mine to be a great way to cook dried beans. They don't even have to be pre-soaked.

Journal of a Slow Week: Stopping Point