The Long Quiet: Day 2

 Then God said, "Let there be a space between the waters, to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth. And that is what happened.  God made this space to separate the waters of the earth from the waters of the heavens.  God called the space "sky".

And evening passed and morning came, marking the second day.

Pondering, speaking.  Light, day, night, sky.  

And then, here is the space between.

The word translated for space in Hebrew is raqia which means 'an expanse'.  Raqia comes from the ancient root word raqa which refers to 'stretching out'.  

God made that space between on purpose.

In my day, is there a space between my busyness and the still moments I so desperately miss?   

Do you know what happens when I consider that?  My mind immediately starts scrambling!  Should I take a few minutes at the beginning of each day?  What if I wait until afternoon?  How can I make space in my day?  On and on it goes.

I hadn't planned that moment of quiet last week, it just occurred.  I merely accepted it.  I accepted it on purpose.  I made the choice to accept that gift of the ringing bells that stilled my soul.  Am I making the right choices in my every day? 

We all need that space between. The ringing of bells, the rustle of the wind in the leaves.  The sudden cessation of natural sound at night when darkness starts to fall.  The moment in the morning when the birds have yet to start their noisy discussion of the needs of the day.  

It's just a pause between one thing and another.  Why don't we value that space between?

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